Love them or hate them, ring-necked parakeets have invaded Europe and theyre here to stay. Already a staple of many urban parks and gardens around the UK, some of these charismatic bright green birds are now so comfortable in their new surroundings that they will happily sit and feed from your hand. Parakeets are Britains
As a New Yorker with no backyard to call my own, I love a creative gardening solution! Whether were talking simple window boxes, or an elegant homemade terrarium worthy of a home magazine, theres nothing better than finding a new and interesting way to introduce a little greenery to any landscape. At the moment, the
Everyone knows that the secret to a healthy, vibrant environment is diversity. You need all kinds of plants, animals, and even bacteria and fungi to make a thriving and beautiful ecosystem. Sadly, biodiversity is under threat every day from pollution, infection, and climate change. One of the most devastating effects of these things we’ve seen
[WPXperVideo id=27]When it comes to keeping neighbors’ prying eyes off of your backyard or first floor, erecting a fence is generally the easiest thing to do. But if your neighborhood is tight-knit, putting up a fence can seem a bit offensive (pun intended). If you still want to maintain a sense of privacy without the
This spring, we’ve already seen a ton of ways to jazz up your outdoor space here at Wimp. Whether you’re planning to grow a potato tower, build your own outdoor furniture, or just create a relaxing spot where you can daydream and read, 2016 is the year to finally make your dream backyard a reality.
(Schoos Design) (UZPlanters) (Warren Sheets Design) (Tales from Carmel) (Ten Thousand Villages) Previous Next When it comes to decorating your outdoor spaces, theres no need to re-invent the wheel. Throughout the centuries, even millennia, cultures from all ends of the earth have gifted the contemporary world with plenty of timeless and inspiring concepts. Regardless of
(Martha Angus Inc./Houzz) (The Architecture Studio, Inc. / Houzz) Previous Next Big cities have a lot going for them, but spacious backyards arent one of them. Designers in high-density places like San Francisco and New York have long dealt with getting homeowners the most bang for their buck when it comes to their compact
We are increasingly disconnected from the food we eat. What better way to fix that than to grow your own stash? Madeleine Somerville explains how For the five years I spent as a youth worker, I spent my days playing pool and handing out condoms, functioning as an advocate and running a gardening program called
In my experience, its hard to feel down when youre surrounded by green and growing things! Whether you have a total green thumb or struggle to keep houseplants alive, spending time in a garden any garden is just about guaranteed to boost your mood. Of course, the soothing effects of gardening arent just limited to
Gаrdеn Lаndѕсаре Dеѕign – 10 Tiрѕ To Design A Bеаutiful Gаrdеn Lаndѕсаре 1. Whеn coming uр with a garden lаndѕсаре design, уоu ѕhоuld соnѕidеr the ѕizе, shape, аnd style of your hоmе during thе lаndѕсаре dеѕign phase. The lаndѕсаре design оf уоur gаrdеn ѕhоuld blend with the house, not diѕtrасt frоm it. Yоu ѕhоuld bе